My Manager and Friend

Created by Alison 3 years ago

Ros was quite simply the best manager I have ever worked for. She treated her staff like a family and always bought everyone a gift at Christmas, Easter etc. She was a fair boss, with a great sense of fun which made being part of her team such a pleasure. She knew the value of team building and wholeheartedly supported our madcap ideas, including week long fundraisers for Children in Need and hiring a lorry so we could have a carnival float! She was always there if we needed help or advice and was so supportive and understanding when my son was little. When Ros retired I have never seen so many people in one office who had come to wish her well. She continued to be a good friend who we met for lovely meals out, and later on we continued to visit her in the Nursing home where she was always pleased to see us to have a laugh about old memories. I will miss her dearly x